Serving those in Bedford, Bedford Hills, Pound Ridge, South Salem and parts of Armonk, Mount Kisco, Katonah, and Lewisboro
Contact: Parish Office - 914-234-3344
Boys and girls, 3rd grade and above, are eligible for this ministry. Training sessions are held from time to time. Servers should arrive 15 minutes before Mass to help prepare the altar and remain for a few minutes afterward in order to leave things tidy.
Contact: Gerri Alfino - Email [email protected]
Lectors proclaim the Word of God within the context of liturgical worship at St. Patrick’s. Ministry members read the assigned readings at Sunday Masses and at other special liturgical celebrations. It helps to be a good communicator with a strong voice. To be involved in this ministry, you must be in good standing with the Church. Training and schedules are provided.
Please help us bring comfort and peace to someone hospitalized by bringing the healing presence of Jesus to the sick and injured.
Contact: Parish Office
The Martha Ministry is performed by a group of parishioners who take turns keeping the many altar linens washed and ironed, the altar flowers fresh, and the liturgical space in good order.
Ushers - Contact: Joe DeCicco Email [email protected]
The ushers help with seating, collections, greeting and the distribution of bulletins at the end of Mass.
Greeters - Contact: Gary Vessecchia - Email [email protected]
Contact: Joe DeCicco - Email [email protected]
Greeters welcome the parishioners as they come in for mass. Consider joining the Greeters to participate in welcoming all parish members to both Saturday and Sunday masses.
Contact: Rob Ryser and John Carson - Email [email protected] or [email protected]
Our meetings, which are peer-led, consist of refreshments, music, reflections, small table-talks, group discussions and prayer. We meet every Saturday, 7:30-9:00am in the Church Meeting Room.
Men's Ministry Music - Contact: Jim Luciano - Email [email protected]
Contact: Mary Mullaney - Email [email protected]
Inspires and encourages spiritual growth. Develop an understanding for practical application of scripture. Stimulate thought provoking, open discussion. Every second and fourth Tuesday of the Month.
Contact: TBA
The focus of the Life Spirituality group is to help members to live their lives more rooted in the life and love of Jesus, through reading and discussing the content of books centered on spirituality. The group meets once a month for one hour to discuss a section of the book that is being explored.
Contact: Sue Coan - Email [email protected]
We come together and socialize throughout the year. Join us!
Contact: Van Muller, email: [email protected].
St. Patrick's has one of the largest CYO basketball programs in the archdiocese. Volunteers are needed to serve as coaches and aides.
Contact: TBA
Centering Prayer (contemplative prayer), a form of meditation, is part of our western tradition as Catholics. The group meets every Wednesday of the month at 7:30 for an hour in the Church Meeting Room..
Contact: Joanne Hack [email protected].
We are excited to announce a new ministry that everyone can get involved in who wants to cook a dish or has an hour to share in February feeding our neediest neighbors downstairs in our church meeting room. St. Patrick's Emergency Shelter, or SPES for short, invites you to help us feed our homeless brothers and sisters from Armonk, Bedford, Chappaqua and Mount Kisco the week of February 10 through February 16. If you can make a great lasagna, or if you don't like to cook but you'd be willing to serve food for an hour one night, please see our sign up sheet in the back of the church, or call 914-763-3642. We have a website with more details about this new ministry, and we will be making more announcements about the ways this can bring together our extended families and friends to do something caring and fulfilling, as we get closer to the week of Valentine's Day.
Contact: Megan Ziminsky - Email [email protected]
The Respect Life Group works to instill respect for human life from inception to final years. Programs are planned and information is made available to heighten that respect. We usually meet once a month after a Monday, 9 am mass.
Contact: Rich Juliana - Email [email protected]
This group assists those in a job transition. Services provided include resume writing, interview skills, evaluation of types of positions to be sought and parish networking.
Contact: Dave Kulowiec - Email [email protected]
Twice a year, in September and March, St. Patrick's conducts a blood drive to support Hudson Valley Blood Services. Volunteers assist in the set-up and provide support on blood drives.
Community Center of Northern Westchester
Contact: TBA
The Community Center is a vital resource for local families. This ministry supports the collection of food, clothes, school supplies and other expanded projects for the center.
St. Patrick's Nurse Ministry
This Ministry is a specialty area of professional nursing that integrates nursing and ministry within a faith community. The Ministry is made up of a team of volunteer registered nurses, social workers, and volunteers who are all members of our faith community. Their mission is to assist those in need of education on health matters, prevention, counseling, referral assistance, and visitation. Parish nurses do not provide hands on care or replace visiting nurses, but through their roles assist others in finding health, companionship, prayer, and spiritual presence. Parish nurses can be reached by calling 914-314-0880 directly. If you have a health-related concern or question, we will be happy to assist you. Please do not call the parish office but use the dedicated phone line 914-314-0880. All calls are kept confidential.